Réseau de Référence en Pathologie des Sarcomes des tissus mous et des viscères

Sarcomes - GIST - Desmoïdes

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Data dictionary

Centre (RRePS)
ID : 1070
Type : Constrained
Content : TEXT
Mandatory : Yes
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : Centre RRePS
Possible values :
Cabinet de Rennes, KLEUVEN, MEDIPATH Toulouse, Mannheim, Cabinet de Reims, Centre Patho de Metz, Lausanne, Cabinet de Douai, Nantes ICO , Cabinet d’Amiens, Bruxelles, IHP Nantes, Warsaw Cancer Center, Centre Patho Dijon, Heidelberg, Cabinet de la Roquette, Bonn, Cabinet Mathurin, Tübingen, LUMC, Lyon IHOP, St Etienne ICLN-CHU, Reims IJG, Reims CHU, La Réunion CHU, Tenon, Bordeaux Pellegrin, Bicêtre, Lyon CLB, Villejuif IGR, Hôp. Gabriel Montpied, CHRU De Dijon, Hôp. Pontchaillou, Hôp. Charles Nicolle, Hôp Pasteur, CHU Amiens, Labo. de Limoges, Service d'anapath de Brest, Cy-Path, Milan INT, Padova UNIPD, Saint-Louis, Bergonié, Curie, Nice CAL, Dijon CGFL, Caen CFB, Marseille IPC, Nancy ICL, Lille COL, Montpellier ICM, Angers ICO, IUCT Toulouse, Strasbourg CHU, CJP, Paris Henri Mondor, Timone, Cochin, Rennes CEM, Limoges Dupuytren, Tours Trousseau, Rouen CHB, Nantes CHU, Besançon CHU, Pitié Salpétrière, Haut-Lévèque Bordeaux, GHSN - LYON, Ambroise Paré APHP, CPS Strasbourg, Hôp. Civil Strasbourg, CHRU Caen, CHRU Brest, CHRU Montpellier, CHU Nancy, Rangueil Toulouse, Purpan Toulouse, CHRU Lille, CHRU Angers, Hôp. Nord Marseille, MEDIPATH (Frejus), APHP Bichat, APHP Saint-Antoine, Lyon Edouard Herriot, CHR ORLEANS, Nice CHU, Cabinet Bièvres, CHU POITIERS, OUEST PATHOLOGIE, DIAG (Nice), GRP 2 RIVES, HPL, Centre François Baclesse Luxembourg, CHU ESTAIN , MEDIPATH (Toulon)

ID : 1031
Type : Free value
Content : TEXT
Mandatory : Yes
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : Patient initials : 4 characters (2 of Lastname, 2 of Firstname)Attention to compound names

Birth date
ID : 140
Type : Free value
Content : DATE
Mandatory : Yes
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : The patient's birth date

ID : 141
Type : Constrained
Content : TEXT
Mandatory : Yes
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : The patient's gender
Possible values :
Female, Male

Creation date patient
ID : 181
Type : Free value
Content : DATE
Mandatory : Yes
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : The date when the patient has been created in the database

Patient information
ID : 1032
Type : Constrained
Content : TEXT
Mandatory : No
Multiple values : No
Unique : No
Description : Consent information
Possible values :
Uninformed, Addressed mail, No opposition, Opposition, Consent

Significant previous history
ID : 1
Type : Constrained
Content : TEXT
Mandatory : No
Multiple values : Yes
Unique : No
Description : No: no significant previous historyNF1: presence of neurofibromatosis type 1 or Recklinghausen diseaseNF2: presence of neurofibromatosis type 2Radiation therapy: tumour developed in a previously radiated areaLymphoedema: tumour developed on a preexisting lymphoedemaGardner: presence of a Gardner syndromLi Fraumeni: presence of a Li Fraumeni diseasePrevious cancer: the patient has previously developed another cancer different from the current tumourOther: other significant previous history with a possible link with the current tumour
Possible values :
No, Previous cancer, NF1, NF2, Gardner syndrome, Li Fraumeni syndrome, Retinoblastoma syndrome, Immunodepressed - HIV, Immunodepressed - other, Ollier disease, Maffucci syndrome, Paget disease, Multiple osteochondromas, McCune-Albright syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, Werner syndrome, Cherubism, Other genetic disease, Other, Unknown, Familial GISTs, Stratiakis-Carney dyad, Carney Triad, Other malignancy in family